Have you ever had one of those days - you know, the kind that has you scratching your head wondering what's going to happen next? It's like some unseen force has strategically pushed a bunch of daunting dominos your way, and one by one they cascade recklessly into your life, disrupting what some spiritual people or healers might know as the Holy Flow. Everything in your day is going every way - but your way. As a result, you may find yourself entertaining outlandish thoughts like, 'Perhaps someone from the distant past placed a karmic curse on me,' or 'I'm sure I'm being punished for something unforgiveable I did 25 years ago,' or 'I'm pretty sure I have a dark spirit attached to my aura.' Of course, such debilitating thoughts can quickly dissolve and resolve themselves when you give yourself permission to think realistically and get back to the reality of life - your life. You truly have been conditioned within the delusional world of your mind . . . however, we'll get to that part later.
It's time . . .

To make matters worse, sometimes those emotionally exhausting days can stretch into even longer periods like a week, a month, or a year, with periodic sanity breaks to come up for air, after swimming in a pool of bad luck in a what appears to be a world filled with a series of gambles. Some might say it's the luck of the draw, and in your over active mind, it might appear that life has dealt your hand, a raw deal. In the event when life seems unfair, one can feel truly alone, awkwardly displaced, and void of a guiding compass to navigate their way through such uncomfortable circumstances. Sometimes life can feel like a relentless obstacle course through and through, and the only time you get to rest is when you sleep, that is . . . if you can sleep.
It's time to get real . . .

So where are we going with whole negative spin on life? Isn't this blog suppose to be inspirational/motivational for those that find themselves reading it? Maybe this blog is being transmitted from a parallel dimension and this is the flip side of the story - the understory. Maybe this blog is another sign that you've attracted; verifying that life really is hard. Maybe this blog is here to affirm a current belief system within you. We can conjure up countless maybe's in life, however, the truth is . . .
It's time to get real . . .
Do we really have to talk about these things that try to rob us from waking up to the truth? Do we really have to talk about how things break unexpectedly, or how life circumstances can change rapidly, or how things that once promised to stay, all of a sudden . . . fall away? Apparently, there is a pressing need to bring it all out into the open and to get to the bold truth of the matter. The world is changing . . . and so are you.

It's true, our life experiences can throw us some unexpected curve balls: the loss of a job, a disagreement with a friend, an accident, an illness, a divorce or two, or a million and one other occurrences that can test our ability master and grow into our earth experiences. "To grow into an experience, means we learn to adapt spiritually in our ability to accept what shows up in life, while dismissing the human tendency to resist it." Even in making the previous statement, some resisting minds may try to scream their way out of accepting such a preposterous notion. No worries though . . . our minds have been conditioned to resist anything that resembles pain or discomfort, so it's to be expected. The pain that we speak of can be manifested spiritually, mentally, physically, or emotionally. How we choose to react to the pain can underscore the difference between an upswing in life or spiraling downward even further.
It's time to get real . . .
It's time to feel . . .

What does our reactions to life have to do with anything? EVERYTHING!
For instance, you could allow the loss of a job to completely ruin your whole outlook on other possibilities wanting to come in for you. Judging the situation places your light in a prison of limitation. By choosing to allow an external situation to gain greater influence within your energy field . . . you literally give the light of your brilliant spirit away to something lesser than who you are. Your mind allows yourself to be controlled by a denser frequency, thus energetically anchoring you to that frequency. When you allow the intensity of your emotion to pull you into self doubt, you can lose yourself, sinking into despair, hopelessness, or depression. This sweeps away any clarity to see your future more clearly and clouds your view to be open to other possibilities. You give up or lower your expectations for possible future endeavors, thus allowing that energy to potentially affect you for years to come. The energy bridge that was intended to lead you to a more expansive experience gradually fades away with your lingering doubt.
It's time to get real . . .
It's time to feel . . .
It's time to heal . . .

Thankfully, even given this knowledge, every day invites each of us to begin again, and again, and again. To being "a-gain" is to gain greater perspective and experience in leaning into life and what it has to offer each of us unconditionally. Although we have all be faced with challenges, which we will refer to as opportunities for growth and discovery, we can consciously choose to embrace the Holy gift. This approach of letting go and staying out of resistance is not to casually dismiss tears, or sadness, or sorrow, or disappointment or emotions that tend to surface in the human condition. A fully lived life invites us to embrace all of it through and through; within the healing realms of love and forgiveness.
It's time to get real . . .
It's time to feel . . .
It's time to heal . . .
It's time to forgive . . .

We are not asking you to face life. We are asking you to embrace life through and through in everything you think, say, and do. We are asking you to go deeper into yourself, into your heart, into your soul, into your infinite light.
We have all heard the saying, “Behind every cloud is a silver lining.” To our knowledge, no one ever speaks of what that silver lining is. What is it made of? Where does it come from? How does it appear within a cloudy view of doubt? To answer these questions, you've got to go deeper. You've got to learn to read between the lines of life and between the circumstances of what is showing up. You see, you are that silver lining in the cloud of doubt. Your soul shines through it to remind you that even in those days of doubt, confusion, or despair, the silver lining of your soul has got you covered. And that silver lining reaches into the heart of the Universal God of Oneness, and radiates the truth of all things. The truth that you are made of something so infinitely expansive that there is nothing on this earth plain that can rob you of that.
It's time to get real . . .
It's time to feel . . .
It's time to heal . . .
It's time to forgive . . .

What you might think are your greatest accomplishments in life, are not even remotely close to what you think you are. Sometimes, when the Universe of God sees that we are choosing less than what we are, it may step in to give us a little encouraging push to birth us into something much greater than what we think we are.
So now what? What is waiting for you just around the corner of your divine heart? When you choose to change your perspective, life suddenly becomes full of possibilities waiting to be realized in the perfect moments. Each day will mirror your emotions. Let go and let it happen. Let go of control and fall freely into the winds of life. Lean into it. Embrace it. Become it. Believe that you have the capacity to co-create the most expansive and vibrant experiences and that the Universe of God will most definitely support you in whatever that is. As you increase the reach of that silver lining that you hold within your heart, your world will become increasingly alive, vibrant, and fulfilling. You will live in a altered state of infinite abundance, instead of lack, need, or want. You will gain energy and insight into new ways of being, as you choose to react differently to life’s perplexing and precious gifts.
So, you see, you are truly free to be as you are. Nothing can take that away from you. It is the gift of infinite love that holds that space for your ultimate awareness and awakening. We leave you with these words as an offering of hope.
It's time to get real . . .
It's time to feel . . .
It's time to heal . . .
It's time to forgive . . .
It's time to love . . .
Blessings, Leslie Paramore
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Also see my discounted remote sessions available for the month of March.

This is crazy because I’ve had conversations about letting go of control multiple times this week, and even before those conversations, I created a Releasing Control meditation for my podcast! And now this blog—I hear you, God. 💖
Been learning more and more about natural law. Law of attraction, like attracts like. I love this blog post because it speaks volumes on a soul level to me. Thank you.